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Healing Arts Massage

Natural Path to Restoring

& Maintaining Optimal Health

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Nancy Wymbs, LMT   (904) 806-4109
317 Plant Ave 
Suite U
Waycross, GA 31501

Neuromuscular Therapy

Neuromuscular Therapy
30 Years Experience | Licensed Healthcare Professionals | AMTA Member

Neuromuscular & Repetitive Use Injury Massage

• Lower back injuries associated with 
o Improper lifting
o Too much time sitting 
o Sports or Accidents

What is neuromuscular therapy and how does it relieve pain?

Neuromuscular therapy, otherwise known as trigger point myotherapy, is a type of massage therapy that focuses on putting pressure on specific “myofascial” points in your body to relieve the pain. Massages are performed by our neuromuscular therapist, who are educated in the nervous system and how it affects muscles.

Muscle pain can be extremely annoying in your daily life, especially when it gets in the way of getting proper sleep, being active, or just walking around comfortably. There are many ways you can alleviate these pains, ranging from yoga to medicinal ointments, but one method that you might not be aware of is neuromuscular therapy (NMT).

How is it different from a massage?

In other words, NMT focuses on pinpointing precise locations on your body that is causing pain often referred to as “trigger points” to resolve the problem at the source.

Whether you have pain resulting from a sporting injury, an auto accident or bad posture, neuromuscular therapy is often the ideal treatment.

Simply put, neuromuscular therapy combines massage therapy with the science of trigger points to reduce pain and improve performance. Before starting the massage, we will locate the origin of the pain by addressing five key aspects of the body. 

These include:
  • The Presence of Ischemia: meaning lack of blood supply to soft tissues, causing them to tighten.
  • Locate trigger points (sensitive points in your muscles that have become highly irritated).
  • Identify nerve compression/entrapment (nerve pressure caused by soft tissue and muscles).
  • Evaluate any postural distortion (assessing your overall posture and looking for imbalances).
  • Observe any biomechanical dysfunction (poor movements from daily joint activities like golf or abnormal gait).

    Once these factors have been examined, we will have a specific understanding of the source of your pain and can develop a personalized massage plan to help relieve discomfort.

What does treatment look like?

  • Identify factors of your pain
  • Focus on:
    o Specific trigger points
    o Joint Motion to Alleviate Nerve Compression
    o Improving Blood Flow
    o Reduce Ischemia
Anyone can benefit from neuromuscular therapy, especially helpful for relieving soft tissue pain commonly associated with lower & upper back pain, hip pain, headaches, knee pain, jaw pain and more.

Research has shown that it can improve symptoms from disorders like

• Carpal tunnel
• Sciatica 
• Parkinson’s. 

Even if you don’t suffer from any of these, neuromuscular therapy is a wonderful way to reduce physical tension, release stress, and improve athletic performance.

How effective is neuromuscular therapy?

NMT sessions have been proven to lessen pain and symptoms associated with long-term ailments, such as migraines, back pain, and cramps. Beyond the serious issues; this type of therapy is a form of massage, guaranteed to help you better and more relaxed afterwards. You should also experience noticeably less tense muscles for several days after the session.

Give us a call today to schedule your Neuromuscular Massage
[Complimentary 20 Minute Postural Analysis Call to Schedule Today!]

We look at your alignment and begin to carefully and professionally correct your meridians:
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